Money-Back Guarantee

Our 30-day Money-Back Guarantee applies to your first purchase of each of our products after at least two weeks of use from the time of shipment. If you purchase multiple of the same item, the Money-Back Guarantee will only cover a refund for one of those items. A full refund of the product will be issued back to the payment method used to place the order, not including any shipping charges or tax. You (the customer) are responsible for paying the shipping cost to send back the product you are unsatisfied with. If you have any further questions about our Money-Back Guarantee, do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Please contact us with your order number and a brief explanation as to why you were unsatisfied.

Note: wholesale orders are not eligible for the Money-Back Guarantee.

Return Policy

Unfortunately, we do not normally accept returns for any of our products at this time. However, if it is your first purchase of a product, it may qualify for our money-back guarantee.

Quality-Related Returns

At Nord Labs, we take pride in the quality of our products. Any requests for a quality-related refund must first be investigated by our team. Please contact us with your order number and a detailed description of the issue. If a quality-related issue is found, an exception to the original return policy will be made.

Exchange Policy

Unfortunately, we do not offer exchanges for any of our products.